St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead in school is Mr Wilkinson

The Deputy Safeguarding Leads in school are  Mrs Bainborough and Mrs Clementis

The School SENDCO is Mrs Clementis

The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Spillane.

The Department for Education has commissioned the NSPCC to establish a dedicated independent helpline for people who have experienced abuse in education. The Report Abuse in Education helpline comes after a high number of anonymous testimonials were submitted to the Everyone’s Invited website, documenting abuse in all types of schools, colleges, and universities.


The helpline provides both children and adults who have experienced sexual abuse in schools with support and advice, including onward action such as contacting the police if they wish to. The helpline also provides support to parents and professionals. Anyone who gets in touch through this dedicated helpline will also be signposted to other relevant support services available, including Childline, which provides ongoing support and counselling to children and young people.


The dedicated and confidential NSPCC helpline – Report Abuse in Education can be reached on 0800 136 663 or by email at

Statutory and Guidance Documents

Working Together to Safeguard Children  - click here. 

Keeping Children Safe in Education - click here.

Information Sharing Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners  - click here. 

Looked After Children Policy- click here

Prevent Duty - click here

Prevent Risk Assessment- click here

What to do if you're worried a child is being abused March 2015 - click here

Disqualification Under Childcare Act 2006 guidance - click here for link.

Children Missing Education Sept 2016 Statutory Guidance - click here.

Parents Support and advice on Safeguarding- click here

Online Safety Advice and support

For further Online Safety advice and support click here

Wake Up Wednesday- Weekly advice and guidance to support children online. Click here


NSPCC advice on livestreaming and video apps


Latest online safety magazine, click here.


Informative site on online usage for children and parents - click here.


Want to know how to set the privacy settings on social media apps? Click here for more information.


Net Aware website for information on the different social network. Click here.


NSPCC Parents Guide to being Share Aware. Click here.


Useful guide from the Bradford District Cyber Team about parental controls and e-safeguarding, click here.


Parents Guide to Instagram, click here.

If you have any concern or questions regarding e-safeguarding then please do not hesitate to contact school and speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.