St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3’s website page!


Teacher: Mrs Scott

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Broadley

Support Assistant: Mrs Bell

Religious Education:

Our RE Topic for Summer 2 is 'Being a Christian'

Class 3 LTP Cycle B:

Please see the document below which details out learning for the year across the curriculum.

Important Information:

  • Homework is handed out on a Friday and is expected to be handed in the following Wednesday.
  • In addition to homework, it is expected that your child will read 4 times a week at home. This could be with an adult or independently. Please could you sign their reading record book to say they have read.
  • Home reading books are checked on a Wednesday so these need to come back into school for then, even if your child hasn’t finished their book.
  • Library day is a Thursday so please make sure library book come back in then to change.
  • PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please send your child into school in their PE kits.
  • Spelling tests are on a Friday.