St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Class 2

Class 2 teachers are:

Mrs Clementis (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) and Mrs Bainborough (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

and Mrs Holland (Support Assistant)


Hello and welcome to our class 2 webpage! 

Please see the Class 2 Gallery Page for photos of our wonderful learning.


  • Monday Library book day
  • Tuesday and Friday are PE days
  • Wednesday Homework and Home Reading Books to be returned to school.
  • Friday Homework will be sent out for the following Wednesday, Spelling Tests are on Fridays

Our RE topic for the half-term is The Resurrection

Our Geography topic for the half-term is Africa and Antarctica Study

Please see below for Class 2's curriculum overview for this academic year (cycle B):


Every Friday we have a spelling quiz.  It is important for children to practice these words as much possible.  Please find a copy of the spellings in your child's Homework Book and also here:


Please practice the sounds with your child as much as possible.  Click on the link below to see and hear how to pronounce the sounds correctly.  It is so important that children learn these in order to read and write.