St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Coronavirus - General

Local COVID information can be found here.

Please note: where it reads 14 days in the above document, it should now read 10 days.


If your circumstances have recently changed you might be entitled to free school meals. If so, please apply at

For many people things are difficult right now, and that’s why we’re supporting the NSPCC who are still here for children who need their support now more than ever. If you’re worried about a child, please call their helpline on 0808 800 5000 or you can email


The latest NHS guidance can be found here.


If you need to arrange for a Coronavirus test - see this website.

The Department for Education has launched a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education.

Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687