St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Class 5

  Class teacher - Mrs. Khedapa supported by Mrs. Smith.

Our RE Topic for Summer 1 is ' Called to serve'

St Bede's and St Joseph's Newsletters can be viewed here

Our class long term plan

Key dates for SATs which will commence from Monday 13th May:

  • Monday 13th May 2024: Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation Paper 1 (45 mins)
  • Monday 13th May 2024: Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation Paper 2 (20 mins) Spelling test
  • Tuesday 14th May 2024: English Reading Paper (60 mins)
  • Wednesday 15th May 2024: Maths Paper 1 - Arithmetic (30 mins0 and Maths Paper 2 - Reasoning (40 mins)
  • Thursday 16th May 2024: Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning (40 mins)

Homework- Will be sent out every Friday and children will be expected to return it by Thursday.

Spellings - Will be given out every Friday and tested every following Friday.

Reading- Please try and read with the children for 10 minutes at least 4 times a week.

Physical education- We have PE on Mondays and Thursdays so children will need come to school in the correct PE kits.