St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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Religious Education


Religious Education intent statement:

 At St Anthony’s, the teaching of Catholic Religious Education is foundational to the school’s identity. The lessons as prescribed by the RE curriculum form but a part of a much broader approach to a Catholic ethos in which we strive to enact and respect the teachings of the Bible in our day to day relationships with each other. From the welcoming of the Foundation stage children to the children who leave in Year 6, we strive to support each other and grow together through a progressive use of the teachings of Christ.  Through our teaching of the Religious Education curriculum and the practice of our Christian Virtues, we intend to become stronger both as individuals and as a community. In our school, Religious Education is not merely seen as a subject to be taught but is regarded as an experience to be lived. We encourage all children to be involved in our Catholic life and to participate in Collective Worships. It is through learning from the stories of the Bible, prayer and collective worship that we mature as Christians. Our intent is to enable our pupils to have faith in the gifts that God has given them and to enter the greater world with the skills required to be respectful of cultural diversity and beliefs and to be compassionate towards others, whilst maintaining an inner spiritual understanding, guided by the teachings of Christ,  that they can return to in times of need. 

Spring term 2023

 We begin this term with the younger children learning about the early life of Jesus and the beginning of his ministry. We will hear about how Jesus chose his disciples and about how he was offering a new way of living that would bring people closer to God. The Good News that Jesus preached is central to our lives as Christians and we too can also choose to be like the early disciples in living lives that put into action the message that Jesus gave us..  The older children will be reflecting on the Mass and will focus on how Jesus is present through the Eucharist. Later in the term, we will be entering the season of Lent and we will be getting together on a daily basis for times of spiritual reflection. During Easter week, each class will be performing a section of the last few days of the life of Jesus. Class 1 and 2 will perform Palm Sunday; Class 3 will hold the Stations of the Cross; Class 4 will enact The Last Supper ; and, Class 5 will perform The Garden of Gethsemane.

Please see the newsletter below from the Way, the Truth and the Life scheme, which explains the individual focus for each class.

Our virtues for the Spring term are: Friendship, Love of Neighbour, Self-Control, and Reflection.

Religious Education Long Term Plan