St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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At St. Anthony's we are working closely with the West Yorkshire Maths Hub to ensure we deliver the very best Maths curriculum for our children.  We have created a whole school vision for Maths which you can find below... 


Please find the Mathematics Teaching Policy below: 

At St. Anthony's we follow the White Rose Hub scheme of work in order to develop Maths mastery throughout our school.  As such we have adopted the WRH calculation policies which you can find below: 

Please find below the Maths curriculum overview for each year group: 

Please find the National Curriculum and Ready to Progress Mapping document below:  

Please find the Key Changes documents for Autumn, Spring and Summer below: 

Pupils in Reception will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals.  For more information please see the document below:

Below you can find the curriculum mapping for Reception...

Please find the Autumn, Spring and Summer schemes of learning for Reception below:

Please find the small steps for Autumn, Spring and Summer for Reception pupils below: 

Scroll through the photos below to see Maths in action ...

Class 1 having great fun during our NSPCC Number Day.