St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School a Voluntary Academy

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School Council

Teaching others about the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty.

Pupil voice is highly regarded within school. One of the ways pupil's can express their ideas is via the School Council. The School Council meet regularly to share and discuss views throughout each term.

Each class across the age ranges, starting from Year 1 through to Year 6, have a representative that has been elected by their peers.

The children are enthusiastic members and are keen to fulfil their role as a Councillor.

 What do the children think about School Council?

  • They think it is important that as a Councillor they represent everyone in school and carry forward ideas from their peers in class.
  • They believe they should be an outstanding role model to others in school.
  • All think it is important to raise money for school and other school supported charities.
  • School Council is fun and they enjoy coming to meetings to discuss important things.

Below are our School Council Minutes and Agenda that give you an idea of our meetings.

New School Councillors 2023

 School Council Minutes 22_09_23.pdfDownload
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 School Council Agenda Sept 2022.pdfDownload
 School Council Minutes 29_09_22.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2
 School Council Agenda 07_11_22.pdfDownload
 School Council Minutes 07_11_22.pdfDownload
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Anti-Bullying Week 2022

During Antibullying Week (14th- 18th November) our School Councilors have led a Whole School Assembly informing children who they can reach out to if they are worried or concerned in school. To emphasize the importance of good positive relationships in St Anthony's, the School Council also asked classes to learning an Antibullying Song called 'Calling Out.' Take a look at the assembly below by clicking here and listen to the song by clicking on the link below.

Calling Out Song